When Do Recreation When Idle appeared on the Workshop, I couldn't help but shout with excitement.
It was exactly the mod I'd been looking for.
However, the way the mod worked was slightly different from what I had in mind.
I got some ideas from the original mod's mechanics and created this one with Xercaine's permission.
Here's what I discovered: There are two types of recreation scenarios.
Colonists will engage in recreation during work if their Joy drops too low.
They'll also do recreation when idle if their Joy is below 90%.
So, if we prevent Joy from reaching 90%, colonists will keep doing recreation while idle.
Since the maximum mood buff occurs at 85% Joy, I reduced the Joy gain to 1/1000 when Joy is above 87.5%.
(which is the midpoint between 85% and 90%)
If colonists ever reach 100% Joy, they might wander aimlessly for a while.
To prevent this, I increased the Joy decay rate by 10x when Joy is above 90%.
This means any wandering will be very brief, and we can watch our colonists engage in endless recreation.
Colonists will take recreation breaks during work if their Joy drops too low.
Since the Joy peak is now 12.5% lower, I multiplied the Joy decay rate by 0.875.
This ensures colonists won't get bored more quickly than before.
Since this mod only affects Joy gain and decay rates,
it's compatible with any recreation mod out there.
All of this was made possible thanks to Xercaine's permission to modify their work. Thank you!